My Favorite Podcast

Radio College Park

Radio College Park is the oldest operational Persian podcast in the world and a weekly audio program produced by a group of Iranian graduate students at the University of Maryland at College Park. The subjects of the programs of this podcast include science, society, art, entertainment, history, literature, interview, and report. The idea of Radio College Park started in Spring 2005 when a group of graduate students at the University of Maryland discussed how to create a podcast to share some of their ideas with the other members of the Iranian community at the University of Maryland in particular and the other Persian speakers in the world in general. I am so proud to have friendship with Afshin Sepehri who is website administrator. I could collaborate making some programs on the radio. I could record an audio book as Goal who is written by Brian Tracy as well. I am gonna leave links here. You can follow them if you are interested to listen.

Program 149

Program 160

Program 170

Program 176

Program 189

Program 231  

Goal Book